Valley Physicians Surgery Center

Prepare for Surgery

Prepare for Surgery

prepareAt your doctor’s office, you will complete a medical history and sign an operative consent. Leading up to surgery, if you continue to have questions about your procedure, please call your doctor. Notify your doctor prior to your surgery if you experience any change in your physical condition, such as a cold, cough or fever.

For questions about the surgery center, please ask the nurse from Valley Physicians Surgery Center that calls before your surgery. Our nurse will call at least one day prior to your surgery to confirm your time for arrival and talk confidentially about your medical history, anesthesia experiences and any medications and supplements you may be taking. Please inform the nurse if there is a possibility you are pregnant. If you have not heard from us by 2:00 PM the day before your procedure, please call 747.224.4004.

Prior to your surgery, our insurance specialist will verify your health insurance benefits. Our billing specialist is available to talk with you about any billing matters.


In planning for your day of surgery, you must arrange to have a responsible adult accompany you to the center, drive you home after surgery and stay with you through the night. During your procedure, your companion must remain at the center and be ready to receive your doctor’s post-surgery report. Your companion must drive you home, since you will still be affected by the anesthesia after discharge. You will not be permitted to drive yourself home, and pubic transportation is not an option. Finally, you must have a companion to monitor your recovery overnight. If this is a problem, tell our nurse when she calls.

At Home before Surgery

  • The night before your surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight.
  • If you have been instructed by our nurse to take your morning medications, take them with only a sip of water.
  • Refrain from smoking for 12 hours prior to your procedure.
  • Bathe or shower the night before or early morning to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Dressing for the center: Wear loose fitting clothing that is easily removed and foldable. Wear comfortable, flat shoes. Remove and leave at home all jewelry and body piercings.
  • Bring your glasses, hearing aids and dentures with storage cases.
  • Leave all valuables and money at home.
  • Bring a list of any medications or supplements you are taking.